Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Valentine's Meeting

Board Members posed for a photo!
We concluded a successful valentines meeting wearing pink and of course with cheers and cookies. We first started with our slide presentation on Honesty. We discussed how important honesty is and that it is the top characteristic one must have. During this meeting we also journeyed through a lesson of etiquette were Mrs. Jordan explained the proper way to be a hostess and how to set up fine china at the dinner table.

Listening and participating in a discussion about Honesty.

As an activity, we designed a proper place mat and drew our own dream china set on the construction paper while sipping on some ice tea and eating cookies. “Dress up your plate with chargers” says Mrs. Jordan as she showed us her proper china place mat setting.
We concluded the meeting the meeting with passing out valentine's cards as well as a raffle of blanket and different bags. One of our board members, Sandibel won the blanket and was overjoyed. She said, “it's the best day ever.”

Till next time tea sippers,
yours truly Tea and Etiquette and a Happy Valentines