Thursday, December 8, 2011

December: Generosity

Since the holiday season is coming we chose generosity as are topic for this meeting. This meeting was very fun. We started off the meeting by taking a quiz on how generous we were. Then as a group we discussed these questions, the quiz showed that the ladies of Tea & Etiquette were a giving group who liked to give to others.
Then we discussed the importance of giving to others in a small group discussion. Next, we made cards to Santa Claus for a great cause. Macy's Department Store donates a dollar for every letter from a child to Santa Clause.
As a group we believe that giving back is of a great importance. We had a lot of fun writing these letters because it brought memories of our childhood.
After this we made Christmas cards for Sunflower Gardens, a nearby Alzheimer's home. While making our cards we drank some hot chocolate and ate some delicious chocolate cake pops. Once, we finished making our cards we took a group picture and were able to take home a goody bag with a handmade candy cane reindeer and cake pop. Overall, this meeting was a great success and a great way to end 2011!

Our finished cards!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving: Thankfulness

In this meeting our topic was thankfulness. It was properly fitted because in November and in this month we have Thanksgiving. We started off the meeting on a PowerPoint on thankfulness. This PowerPoint helped teach the members of the formal definition of what thankfulness is. Next, we had a discussion group of what we are thankful for. As a group we decided that we are thankful for our family and friends because these are very important people to us. We also discuss "Why" we were thankful for them. After this Julie our Tea & Etiquette president showed us the proper way to greet guests at a thanksgiving dinner.
There we learned that treating guests with compassion is important. Also we learned the proper way to greet people we may not know at our thanksgiving dinner. Our arts and craft for this meeting were making construction paper turkeys. This was a very fun activity. All the girls enjoyed doing them.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Welcome Back! October Meeting

 In our lovely meeting that is now on the second Thursday of every month we went over the important topic of respect. We went over the fundamentals of respect and how it should be applied to others. We agreed as a group that respect is something that has to be given in order to be received. We also established the fact that respect toward our families is a great importance. When we finished our discussion of respect and the importance of it, we made individual  family trees. By making these trees we were able to get to know each other more and the importance of family in our lives. As we were doing these family trees and coloring them we ate some delicious cookies. Overalll, our first meeting of Ladies Tea & Etiquette Club it was very fun; we were able to meet some interesting people and make new friends.
- Adriana Castro

Friday, June 17, 2011

The end of the year tea!

Hi Ladies, the end is here! I can't believe another year has gone by. It's been so much fun seeing you all each month. I've loved all of our learning and discussions. I hope you all have a wonderful summer and I hope to see you all next year. Seniors... I will miss you. Be sure to keep in touch! Again.... A big thank you to our 2010-2011 leaders. Your leadership was exceptional! I know you have prepared our club to continue. Looking forward to next year with our new leaders: Juliana Garcia, Michelle Do, Dalena Huynh.

Mrs. Jordan
Here are the pictures from our final tea party.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hello ladies,
Our last meeting was our Valentine's Tea Party in Mrs. Jordan's room. Everyone came into the room to find a table set up with personalized place settings and a lot of food. But before we got to mingle and drink tea, Amanda D. and Lilyana presented a PowerPoint on Contemplation. Contemplation is the act of considering with attention. The presentation included ways to contemplate life and your many relationships, from family and friends to your future. Next, Jeanne and Connie presented dating tips which involved do's and don'ts on dates. Amanda V. and Gaby presented fashion must haves for dates which included the top fashion must haves of the moment high waisted skirts, jewelry and cardigans.
After the presentations we got to sit down and just enjoy each other's company. We went around the table and each lady was asked to say their name and grade as well as what their tea cup means to them, if they brought one. Everyone mingled and really got to know each other on a much intimate level than regular meetings and everyone got to enjoy the tea and various snacks provided by Mrs. Jordan.
After everyone got a chance to get to know each other better, Amanda D. introduced the craft. This month's craft was a rose craft that involved 2 hershey's kisses, pink wrap and green tape. I can say that my first rose didn't come out as great as I had hoped but my second one did. (:

Overall, this tea party was so much fun. We look forward to seeing you all at our next meeting. Remember to pay your dues and fundraiser money and RSVP. (: