Our first meeting of the year was this past Thursday and it was a success. A little over 20 girls
showed up and joined in. We started off the meeting by Mrs. Jordan, advisor, introducing the club's history and the expectations that go along with being in Ladies' Tea & Etiquette.

Next, our leaders presented the theme of the meeting, responsibility. We learned from each other and from our club leaders that responsibility should be practiced daily. Being responsible isn't limited to certain actions, but can be shown everywhere and in everything that you do.
During the meeting, we each filled out a questionnaire that helped us to see if each one of us is responsible. We also shared out in our groups on different situations where we can show our responsibility and different people who we think are responsible. Everyone in the club got a chance to talk and get to know their fellow club members more.

We concluded our meeting with discussing our topic for the next meeting, which is thankfulness, and by having each of our members sign the club pledge while enjoying the refreshments that Amanda and Lilyana made for us.

We look forward to seeing you all at our next meeting on Thursday November 4, 2010 held after school in the library. Our theme for this meeting will be thankfulness. Thank you so much to those of you that came and if you missed our first meeting you can still join.
Don't forget to RSVP to sfhsladiestea@gmail.com or see Mrs. Jordan in room C104.
As a reminder, club dues are $5 per semester and will go towards buying supplies for crafts, refreshments and our many other events and activities.
Thank you so much,
SFHS Ladies' Tea & Etiquette

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