Tea Party Agenda:
Farewell Speech: Julianna Garcia
Non Traditional Tea Meal: Chipotle Burrito Bowls with Iced Tea, Cupcakes and Brownies!
End of the year Toast!
Craft: Decorating our Flower Pots
Certificates and Awards
Vision: To create a club where students can learn character and etiquette, develop friendships and have fun! Mission: To provide a friendly and caring environment where all students can grow. Current Leaders: Adviser: Sara Jordan, Co-Presidents: Amy Alavez & Gissell Rodriguez; Historian/Publicity: Sandibel Nieto; Hospitality: Melissa Cortez; Activities Director:Open, Established 2009
1 lime, thinly sliced
If you prefer, you can sweeten with any natural sweetener of your choice including honey in place of granulated sugar).
First off, pick out a pot that won't stain. Hibiscus has the potential to stain just about anything it comes in contact with including your countertop, cookware, wooden spoons, favorite jeans, etc. So keep this in mind.
Bring the 4 cups of water to a boil. Remove water from heat and add the dried flowers and sugar. Place a lid over the pot and steep for 10 minutes, stirring once or twice along the way to break down the sugar granules.
Pour the infusion through a strainer into a pitcher or jug (this is usually where something gets stained). You are going to want to add about 3 more cups of cold water to the pitcher. Taste and adjust based on your personal preference. You can add a bit more sugar if you think you need it, or more water if you feel like the jamaica is too overpowering. This is usually just about right for my taste. I don't like the sugar to overpower the refreshing natural tartness of the jamaica flower.
Cool completely and serve with plenty of ice in glasses garnished with a slice of lime.
Serves 8.
Another drink that was made was Horchata which is another traditional Mexican drink. This drink is made from raw rice, water, sugar, and cinnamon. Horchata is one of the most famous mexican drinks and is served year around. The ladies also enjoyed drinking Tai Tea. This drink was also very delicious. All of the ladies learned about new cultures by drinking these drinks. Lastly Mrs. Jordan treated us to some British tea.
As our craft we made cute bookmarks. This was fun because we were able to experiment with different types shades of colors. Our final product came out adorable.
Overall this meeting was enjoyable and knowledgeable. We were able to come together as one even though we all come from different walks of life.