Our last meeting was our Valentine's Tea Party in Mrs. Jordan's room. Everyone came into the room to find a table set up with personalized place settings and a lot of food. But before we got to mingle and drink tea, Amanda D. and Lilyana presented a PowerPoint on Contemplation. Contemplation is the act of considering with attention. The presentation included ways to contemplate life and your many relationships, from family and friends to your future. Next, Jeanne and Connie presented dating tips which involved do's and don'ts on dates. Amanda V. and Gaby presented fashion must haves for dates which included the top fashion must haves of the moment high waisted skirts, jewelry and cardigans.

After everyone got a chance to get to know each other better, Amanda D. introduced the craft. This month's craft was a rose craft that involved 2 hershey's kisses, pink wrap and green tape. I can say that my first rose didn't come out as great as I had hoped but my second one did. (:
After the presentations we got to sit down and just enjoy each other's company. We went around the table and each lady was asked to say their name and grade as well as what their tea cup means to them, if they brought one. Everyone mingled and really got to know each other on a much intimate level than regular meetings and everyone got to enjoy the tea and various snacks provided by Mrs. Jordan.